
Bogdan Nicolae
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Welcome to my web page! I’m a Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. My research interests are broadly around scalable storage, data management and resilience at the intersection of high performance computing, big data analytics and machine learning. Specifically, I focus on areas such as checkpoint-restart, state capture and migration, data and metadata decentralization and high availability, concurrency control in data management, multi-versioning and historic access, declarative data models, etc.

In addition to my main position, I hold a Research Professor appointment at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and a Scientist-at-Large appointment at the University of Chicago, within the Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering (UChicago CASE). I am a Senior Member of ACM and IEEE.

I am a recipient of U.S. Department of Energy 2020 Early Career Research Program Award. My PhD Thesis won the 2nd 2011 Gilles Kahn Award.

Short bio

Bogdan Nicolae is a Computer Scientist with Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, USA) and Research Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, USA). He specializes in scalable storage, data management and fault tolerance for large scale distributed systems, in particular at the intersection of high performance computing, big data analytics and artificial intelligence. He is interested by and authored numerous papers in areas such as checkpoint-restart, state capture and migration, data and metadata decentralization and high availability, concurrency control in data management, multi-versioning and historic access, declarative data models, live migration. He is a regular PC memeber and participates in the organization of major international conferences around parallel and distributed systems: SC, IPDPS, HPDC, CCGrid, CLUSTER, ICS, HIPC, ICDCS, ICPP, EuroPar, EuroMPI, etc. He is a regular reviewer for journals such as: TPDS, JPDC, FGCS, PARCO, TC, TCC, IJHPCA.

Areas of interest